Send and share fillable PDF forms online with electronic signatures quickly, securely, and affordably. All 100% HIPAA-compliant.
MailHippo's FormHippo® plans empower you to create and distribute professional, HIPAA-compliant forms online effortlessly. Create interactive digital documents, complete with fillable fields and secure electronic signatures. Offer patients the convenience of completing forms on their own devices using QR codes. Experience significant cost savings compared to traditional form management solutions while ensuring the highest level of patient data security.
Easily obtain legally binding e-signatures on your HIPAA-compliant forms. With just a click, recipients can electronically sign any online or emailed form. FormHippo's advanced technology ensures the highest level of security by applying certificate-based electronic signatures that verify the signer's identity through name, email, and IP address.
Experience the ease of cloud-based form management with FormHippo®. Our HIPAA-compliant online forms platform eliminates the need for downloads or special software installations. Recipients can easily complete and sign forms directly from their computer or mobile device, ensuring a seamless and secure experience.
Prefer a more traditional approach? Easily email your HIPAA-compliant forms to anyone, regardless of their email provider. Recipients can complete and electronically sign documents directly, then securely return them to you for the best HIPAA-compliant email solution. No need for paper forms or manual data entry. Optimize your workflows and enhance patient experience with FormHippo's flexible form solutions.
Rest easy knowing your sensitive information is fully protected. FormHippo's HIPAA-compliant platform safeguards your PDF forms at every stage, from creation to completion. Our industry-leading 256-bit AES encryption ensures data is encrypted both while in transit and at rest, providing maximum security for your forms and their contents.
Enjoy ultimate flexibility with SignSafe®. Our platform seamlessly adapts to your device, whether you're using a laptop, desktop, smartphone, or tablet. Complete and sign HIPAA-compliant forms from any location with an internet connection. Stay productive on the go without sacrificing security.
FormHippo makes managing HIPAA forms online easy and affordable. From patient intake forms to complex medical histories, our platform streamlines the process for both you and your clients. Easily create, distribute, and manage a variety of essential documents, saving you time and improving efficiency.
Discover the power of FormHippo’s fillable forms, including screenshots and more, by clicking here.
All plans include MailHippo features, are month-to-month, and can be cancelled at any time.
Upload your PDF form, key in the recipient’s email address, and hit Send. You will then be notified by email once the form is filled out by the recipient.
Click here to learn more about how our interactive signable forms work, along with screenshots and more.
You can send any PDF file via FormHippo, and your recipient can sign & return it. However, only interactive PDF files with fillable forms can be filled out online by the recipient.
FormHippo includes a full-featured PDF form editor. With this tool, simply upload your PDF to FormHippo and add your form fields to your PDF. Create HIPAA-compliant forms quickly.
The MailHippo secure email messaging platform adds a powerful security layer to your existing email address.
Simply log into the website using your email and password. Then, compose an email with or without attachments and click Send. That’s it!
Your recipient will receive an email notification from you that a secure message is waiting for them to view.
They click the link in the notification, log into the MailHippo website, and view the secure message.
Click here to see more details on MailHippo’s HIPAA-compliant email encryption.
You could be sending HIPAA-compliant fillable PDF forms online in less than a minute.
Simply click the Get Started button to sign up for a no-obligation subscription.
If you’re not sure, take it for a test drive! Take advantage of our FREE 30-day trial now.
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2637 E. Atlantic Blvd.
#1063 Pompano Beach, FL 33062
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